Ana Paiva
Full Professor in the Department of Computer Engineering at Instituto Superior Técnico (IST), University of Lisbon. Coordinator of the GAIPS group, at INESC-ID.
Ana Paiva is a Full Professor in the Department of Computer Engineering at Instituto Superior Técnico (IST), University of Lisbon. She is also the Coordinator of the GAIPS (Intelligent Agents and Synthetic Characters Group) group, at INESC-ID (see https://gaips.inesc-id.pt/component/gaipsnews/display/11). Her research group investigates the creation of complex systems using an agent-based approach, focusing particularly on social agents. Prof. Paiva’s main research targets the problems and techniques encountered when creating social agents and robots that can simulate human-like behaviours. She works on making them smart, transparent and eventually interact with humans in the same way humans interact with each other. She is well recognized worldwide in this research field, having published more than 200 articles in that topic. She has further advanced the area of artificial intelligence and social agents worldwide, having served for the Global Agenda Council in Artificial Intelligence and Robotics of the World Economic Forum. She is currently a member of the Scientific Advisory Board of Science Europe.

Bronagh Walton
European Commission Policy Officer, Media Convergence and Social Media, responsible for the development and implementation of the EU pilot and preparatory actions ‘Media Literacy for All’.
Bronagh Walton has worked in the development of the European Commission’s Media Literacy policy since 2008. Initially in the MEDIA Unit where she worked on the development of the Commission’s definition of Media Literacy; and on its efforts to develop mechanisms for the assessment of Media Literacy levels in Europe. She further developed, with others, Creative Europe’s Film Education funding scheme.
Bronagh has worked in Audiovisual Policy, media freedom and Pluralism; and for the last two years, on the Commission’s policy to fight against Online Disinformation, having supported, with colleagues, the work of the High Level Expert Group on Fake News; and on the development of the European Commission’s Code of Practice for Social Media Platforms, a world- wide first.
Bronagh has worked on ‘Media Literacy for All‘ since its inception, managing the implementation of both Pilot and Preparatory Actions.