Below you will find photographs and visual media of our diverse activities, conferences and projects
MILT Conference, day 1 - 26th of June 2019

MILT conference day 1 - Conference Opening remarks, Keynotes and Parallel Sessions.

Graphical Diary of MILT conference, by José Raimundo | PhD Student | INESC TEC
MILT Conference, day 2 & 3 - 27 & 28th of June 2019

Modern board games allow the socialization and integration of players, while promoting the development of the skills of those who play them.
All players share the same set of rules, the same starting conditions and have a common goal: to win (as a single player or as a team). Thus, games make conversations easier, even among people who do not know each other, and remove the hierarchy of everyday life and age differences, bringing people together.
We will talk about what "modern" board games are, how they can promote the development of skills and, of course, gather people around a table to play!
- Exercising scope and limitations
According to Ravi, Zhu, Meng and Metha (2015), abundance can be a hinder to creativity while scarcity is a catalyst.
Creative Game Jam’s main goal was to foster creativity by limiting participants to a specific constrain, all of their sounds, art, themes and stories had to be created using content generators.
Using these tools and with a 14 hour’s time limit, the objective was to create a game or content generator using only the aforementioned tools.
Every participant embraced the challenge resulting in five awesome projects, each one more different than the next.
- Compliment Generator – Quick, think of something nice to say about someone.
- Bananorama – A Psychedelic experiment with an infinite running banana.
- Text RPG – An ASCII text adventure with combat.
- Magical Journey – A JRPG with really strange boss fights.
- Music Beats – A game about tapping your fingers to match the music.
Congratulations to everyone for your fantastic games, we hope to see you soon on a second edition.
Ravi, Zhu, Meng, & Mehta. (2015, October 01). Creating When You Have Less: The Impact of Resource Scarcity on Product Use Creativity.