As a participant in the MILT conference the participation in workshops is included and optional. However subscription in workshops is mandatory. The maximum number of participants is 10. Participants are accepted by order of registration. Please do your registration as soon as possible.Thank you!
June 26
ROOM 2.3
15:45-17:55 - Workshop I - Fernando Soares & Andreas Melo - The process of creating a Videogame - A Crash Course for young audiences, development in UNITY and testing with participants in real time (Register Here)*
Target: This Workshop is meant for young audiences and those not strongly versed in digital media.
Our Goal: We propose to demonstrate the process of creating a video game, from the initial concept and design to the prototyping, development, testing and debugging stage. In short, we simplify the process of game creation developing, in real-time using Unity3D and Google Docs, showing each important milestone of the process in action. To show that game-creation is not an impossible task, providing the audiences tools to begin their own journey into game creation, whether for a hobby, use on education or simple curiosity.
What will you learn: To deconstruct a game to it's more basic elements and what goes into making a game.
Fernando Soares is a game developer and Andreas Melo a game designer, with a bachelor degree in Videogames from ULHT. They are also researchers in MILT and GBL4deaf projects.
Click here to see a previous session of this workshop.
* Maximum Registrations in the workshop - 10pax
27 of June
ROOM 2.3
10:00h-13:00 - Workshop II - Anne Mette, Michael Valeur - Create your own Game! (Register Here)*
Michael Valeur is an author and concept developer specializing in games and interactive storytelling. He has extensive experience with conducting workshops on game development and interactive storytelling.
Anne Mette Thorhauge is associate professor in communication and IT at University of Copenhagen. She is former chair of the Danish media council for children and young people and has worked with children, media and citizenship for more than a decade.
Laptop with Twine and Scratch installed
ROOM 2.2
10:00h - 13:00h - Workshop III - Helena Pereira - Using modern board games as a skill development tool (Register Here)**
Modern board games allow the socialization and integration of players, while promoting the development of the skills of those who play them.
All players share the same set of rules, the same starting conditions and have a common goal: to win (as a single player or as a team). Thus, games make conversations easier, even among people who do not know each other, and remove the hierarchy of everyday life and age differences, bringing people together.
We will talk about what "modern" board games are, how they can promote the development of skills and, of course, gather people around a table to play!
* Maximum Registrations in the workshop - 10pax ** Maximum Registrations in the workshop - 20pax