Irene Andriopoulou is a media researcher/ analyst with an expertise on media and film literacy and partner of PLATFORMA. From 2004-2011 she was head of the Media Literacy Department of the Hellenic Audiovisual Institute, the Greek “think tank” on media and broadcasting that was abolished in 2011. She was member of the EC Media Literacy Expert Group from 2006-2018. As a national expert, she contributed to many EU studies on media and film literacy as well as drafting policy papers. She is the Greek author of UNESCO Media and Information Literacy Curriculum for Teachers and co-author of the DIMLE – Digital Media Literacy e-Book project. Irene has worked with the media industries (Media Smart, ERT SA) in Greece and contributed to projects led by the EC (MEDIA, Creative Europe), such as the EU Studies: Current Trends and Approaches to Media Literacy in Europe (2007), Criteria for the Assessment of the levels of media literacy in the EU (2009) Screening Literacy in Europe (2013), EMEDUS project (2014) and TRANSLIT – Transforming Audiences, Transforming Citizens (COST Action IS 0906)). Currently, she works at the new National Centre of Audiovisual Media and Communication, EKOME SA. Irene has a BA on Media & Communication from Kapodistrian Athens University and a Master of Arts in Media Studies, Sussex University.