Conceição Costa is a PhD in Communication Sciences – Media Studies from FCSH-Universidade Nova de Lisboa. She holds a Master of Arts in Business Communication and Public Relations from the European University and a Master degree in Multimedia Communication (ULHT). She is an Associate Professor and Researcher at the School of Communication Studies, Art and Information Technologies at Lusófona University in Lisbon. Conceição main research interests are media and information literacy and “digital” citizenship education. She is a lecturer at Bachelor degrees, Master degrees and Doctoral degrees at ECATI, teaching curricular units related with Communication and Technology namely: Human-Computer Interaction; UX design in Videogames; Media and Education in the Master of Teaching Visual Arts for the 3rd cycle of Basic and Secondary School; Social Marketing and Interaction Design. She has been a member of the COST Action ISO906 (2010-2014) and has been involved in several European publications about media literacy and digital game creation by youth as a way of development media literacy competences. Currently she is the Principal Investigator of MILT and GBL4deaf – Game-Based Learning for Deaf (LISBOA-01-0145-FEDER-032022) funded by FCT and LISBOA2020.