Important Dates
- Abstracts submission:
8th of May-
- Notification of abstract acceptance:
20th of May - Full paper due for review (optional): 22th of June 2019; only full papers will be considered for publishing -
- Final Full paper submission for accepted in Publication: 15th of August 2019
- Authors of Best Full papers will be invited to publish on Revista Lusófona de Educação indexed on the following scientific databases: SCOPUS, REDALYC, LATINDEX, HCERES, DOAJ, IBSS, BIBLIO SHS, CSA, EBSCO, PROQUEST, UNIVERSIA, e-REVIST@S, MIAR, SHERPA ROMEO - Open Acess to Research. LIVRE, GOOGLE SCHOLAR, ELSEVIER, REDIB, ROAD, THE DIRECTORY OF OPEN ACCESS SCHOLARLY RESOURCE, CREDI-OEI;, REDEPISTE, LIVRE - Revistas de livre acesso, OAJI - Open Academic Journals Index. And also a special issue of International Journal of Film and Media Arts - IJFMA
- Early registration closes: 31st of May 2019.
- Standard registration closes: 14 of June 2019.
- Final author payment date: 18th of June 2019.
- Non-Author final registration and payment: 18th of June 2019.
All the submission dates are UTC+23:55
Instructions for Authors
Submission Type
For MILT Conference there are four possible ways to submit contributions:
- Abstract Submission (Mandatory) -
- Full Paper Submission (Optional): For accepted abstracts and in order to be considered for publishing, authors must also submit a full paper, following the following guidelines (see below).
- Poster Submission: All the poster authors must submit an abstract, following the defined guidelines for abstracts (see below),
until 8th of May 2019. Authors must also indicate their willingness to present the paper as a poster, in the submission form. - Non-Academic or Practitioner Contributions: Contributions from individuals and organizations working in the field are welcome. These contributions can take the form of a presentation or a demonstration. Authors must follow the guidelines for Abstract Submission (see below). The abstract must contain a brief description of the work to be presented and the presentation objectives. An abstract for this contributions should be sent until the
8th of May 2019.
Abstract Submission
The deadline for abstract submission is 8th of May 2019
All abstracts must be submitted and presented in English
Abstracts should be based on one or more of the topics listed in the call for papers and can describe a wide range of research designs, including empirical or theoretical studies
Abstracts may not have more than 500 words. Abstracts must contain between 3 and 5 Keywords. The abstract should contain the general theme, the problem, the objectives, the methodology and the main conclusions.
Possible references or abbreviations in the abstract must follow APA (American Psychological Association) style guidelines.
Full Paper Submission
If your abstract has been accepted, you have the option to submit your final paper until 22th of June 2019. The final paper length should be between 30000 and 40000 characters (including references) and following APA (American Psychological Association) style guidelines.
All papers must be submitted and presented in English;
Poster Guidelines
Your poster presentation should not exceed 400 words. The dimensions of the poster should be size A0 (118,9 cm by 84,1 cm) in portrait. You may indicate clearly the sections and sequences (Titles/Authors, Introduction, Method, Discussion, References). Titles and captions should be short and easy to read, in a sans serif font (e.g. Arial).
All posters must be in English. You should print and bring your poster with you.
Posters should be installed on 26 of June, between 9:00 and 9:30. Please ask the conference staff where you should go for it.
You can click Here or the button below to get a Poster Template.
Contact Us about MILT Conference